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Illustration of a gold Janus coin on a mint green background

Janus - the god of beginnings and endings

Did you know that January is named after the Roman god Janus? Janus is the god of beginnings, transitions, doorways, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces - one that looks back on the past, and one that looks to the future.​​​​​​​​
For me, January turned out to be a month of two halves…​​​​​​​​
And just like Janus, I’ve been looking both backwards and forwards.​​​​​​​​
Looking back at last years figures and processes - thanks mainly to a pile of paperwork and various bookkeeping tasks.​​​​​​​​
And looking forwards, trying to get organised and make plans for myself and the business - thanks to The Jenny Pace and her Better Business Plan free five-day challenge.​​​​​​​​

New Year doesn't always feel all that shiny and new when you've got an e-commerce business and a pile of post-Christmas catching-up work to do. So, this year, I'm going to embrace the Lundar New Year as my starting point for the year instead. So here's to a happy, healthy, and abundant new year!​​​​​​​​

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